Thursday, 12 April 2012

A special gift...

Hey everyone... Not quite on the normal lines but I'm sure readers of this will relate... 

We all have something special. We are born with it. Each and every one of us possess this special gift, and we can give it away at any time and STILL have it. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone, and it costs NOTHING. 

This gift? Time.

Automatically, most of you just thought of at least one reason why you can't? Kids/Partner/Work any other commitments. "Oh crikey, time? There aren't enough hours in the day... etc" Maybe not... but there are in a week...month...year...

It is instinct to think of obstacles as to why you CAN'T give away your time, however when you sit and think about it... you can can't you? Even just five minutes. 

Life can get in the way, trust me i understand that; but there is always one constant: time. 
Don't get me wrong, some things just simply cannot be fit into a normal day. But they can form part of your week. You could make time to go out for food/drinks... But put off visiting family/friends? Rome wasn't built in a day... 

Time is precious, to me, to you, to everyone. But eventually time will run out. 
Everyone has a clock; the only difference being they all stop at different intervals. We really do never know when the battery will run out... 

What stops a quick text or email to someone? Simply knowing someone cares about them and is thinking about them can make someones day. Phone someone. I know that seems an alien concept these days, but phones do work! Sometimes all people want to hear is a voice, knowing someone somewhere cares. 

Call into a friends or family members on the way home, check they are okay, do they need anything? Yeah your tired from a busy stressful day at work, but this person could have been sat alone for days on end, with no one to talk to and nothing to keep the mind occupied... How good do you feel when somebody bothers to listen to you? To help you? 

That said; never neglect yourself. Make sure you give yourself some time, just don't be greedy! 

When a persons clock stops, their batteries run out; do you want to rest in the knowledge that you did all you could? You were there when it mattered? You gave them time? Or the phrase we hear all too often unfortunately ..."I wish I had seen/spoken to them more" 

To many people, people struggling, people on the edge and people who just need a friend - time can literally be the difference between life and death. There is no knowing the mental state of someone unless you ask, maybe not outright but ask how they are etc... you never know. Those 5 minutes could save a life. 

Always remember, when saying goodbye to somebody - the feeling you would get knowing you did all you could. 

The chances are, you thought of at least one person whilst reading this. Pick up the phone, send a message, email them or even call round tomorrow. 

Never EVER underestimate how much your time is appreciated, even if it doesn't feel like it. 

Time is a gift we all get - use it wisely, it doesn't last forever. 


  1. This is a true insight and it can only do you credit..
    Taking time is giving love..

    Thank you so much

  2. This message may be of some use to the Galactic Federation, be sure to pass it on Plaz!!

  3. Excellent blog again Lauri, some great advice that everybody should listen to - you are a pretty cool young lady!
